
About Me

Rachael from Sew Today, Clean Tomorrow
I'm Rachael and my motto is 'Sew Today, Clean Tomorrow'. Actually my motto is probably 'Do Anything Except Clean Today And Don't Even Bother Doing That Tomorrow Either', but it doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

I've always loved working with my hands and have been dipping my fingers into various craft pies since I was young. It has only been in the past few years that I really became addicted to sewing and quilting.

I started Sew Today, Clean Tomorrow as a way to stop annoying my Facebook friends with constant photos of my creations. Eventually I started posting tutorials and slowly built up a small following. Once I started the Beginner Quilt Along, however, things really started to take off.

With a background in Information Technology and a long history of developing and delivering learning material, it is no surprise that I found my place in writing tutorials and patterns for sewing and quilting.

My aim is for Sew Today, Clean Tomorrow to evolve into a library of patterns, tutorials, and pretty much anything else that helps make sewing and quilting as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.

I have many exciting announcements to make in the near future so...

Stay Tuned
One Thimble Issue 8 (August 2015) - Oasis Quilt Pattern

Contact Details

I am best contacted through email at

You can also follow me on: Instagram Sew Today, Clean Tomorrow

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