
Sunday 26 April 2015

Freestyle Stitching

Freestyle Stitching

You may have noticed that I've recently added embroidery to my arsenal of crafts (does that make it a craftsenal?). I'm really enjoying learning the stitches and playing with the pretty thread so I came up with this fun little project. You will have to excuse the photos. I actually had no intention on blogging about this. It has, however, proven to be a lot more popular than pretty much anything I've ever posted on social media, so I thought you might like to hear a little more about it.

Long story short, I was looking for a project that allowed me to practice the stitches without requiring to much thought. I wanted to be able to just pick it up and start stitching, without worrying about colours, patterns or any of those other pesky details that sometimes get in the way of having fun.

For this piece, I used a 6'' hoop. I found it to be a good size as it was large enough to not be fiddly, but small enough for me to actually finish without losing interest (yes, occasionally I do finish a project).

I hooped some scrap quilting cotton, grabbed some threads (in this instance I used Aurifil 28wt because it was handy) and was ready to go. 

The first step was to lay down a few outlines. I really just stitched randomly to separate the piece into more manageable sections.
Create some usable sections
Create some sections
Then I just started filling in the areas. I jumped around based on what I felt like stitching. My only rule was no unpicking (unless it was a full blown error).
Start filling in the sections
Start filling in each section.
Sometimes I would select a colour that complimented the previous, other times I would just use whatever I picked up. It was all very random...and surprisingly relaxing.
Keep stitching randomly
Just keep stitching
Eventually I could visualise what which would work well in the remaining spaces.
Progressing NIcely
Progressing nicely
Finally, I ended up with this little beauty.
Freestyle stitching complete
Freestyle Stitching Complete
I'm actually quite surprised at the reaction to this piece on social media. While I think she's lovely, I honestly wasn't expecting the wonderful comments I've been receiving (Thank You, by the way). I hope you've enjoyed reading a little more about this project. I can't wait to start the next one.


  1. This is gorgeous! Love the colours!

  2. Wow. You're so creative. I love it, it is really pretty and whimsical.

    1. Aw thank you so much :D It really was just random stitches depending on my mood. I had such a great time though. Can't wait to do my next one.

  3. This is great. Thank you for the inspiration

  4. I really love this idea for embroidery and would love to have a go at it sometime soon. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. This is my favorite way to embroidery! how your piece turned out!
